The J.A.M.I.E. Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to educate the public on the potentially devastating disease, meningococcal meningitis. The non-profit stands for Joint Advocacy of Meningococcal Information & Education and was created in 2009, after Jamie Schanbaum was diagnosed with meningococcal septicemia at the age of 20 while attending college at the University of Texas at Austin.  

On November 13th 2008, Jamie Schanbaum was rushed to Seton Hospital in Austin, TX thinking she was having an asthma attack and flu-like symptoms. Two days later, Jamie and her family learned she had contracted a rare disease. Meningococcal septicemia is similar to meningitis. Instead of infiltrating the brain and spinal cord, the bacteria infects the blood. Meningococcal septicemia has a higher fatality rate than typical meningitis. The state health department informed us that one in ten people is a carrier of this particular bacteria which resides in the nose or throat. You can have it and not be affected by it, but something as simple as a cold or a stomach virus can cause this bacteria to work its way into your blood system, which is what happened to Jamie. Jamie survived, though sadly she lost her legs and fingers. They had to be amputated as a direct result of her infection. Jamie’s plight inspired her to educate the public about Meningitis. Her goal is to prevent others from needlessly suffering from this vaccine preventable disease.


The mission of The J.A.M.I.E Group is to share knowledge about meningitis so that all can avoid this devastating but vaccine preventable disease. We are committed to lead the fight through education & community awareness & to advocate for increased information for students, parents, teachers & the medical profession. With your help, we can carry out this mission to secure stronger & healthier communities.

Since leaving the hospital, Jamie has shown tremendous strength and perseverance as she endeavors to promote awareness of this disease and its consequences. In the summer of 2009, Senate Bill 819, a.k.a. The Jamie Schanbaum Act, requiring meningitis vaccinations of college students, passed despite two previously unsuccessful attempts thanks to Jamie and her supporters. After two years of walking on prosthetics, Jamie found herself on the USA Paralympic Cycling team in 2011. Jamie has no limits and still continuously exceeds all expectations to this day.