5/20 - Legislative Update (last step!!), this time with pictures!
/Note: The pictures have nothing to do with the legislative update. I had promised to put pictures on the blog of Jamie standing for the first time, so... here you go.
First up, here's a picture of Jamie Peronne (not Peroni, like I had originally thought) squeezing one of Jamie's legs into her first prosthetic. This may be a good time to point out that the wounds on Jamie's knees that haven't been healing as fast as we'd like. Remember? there's some incidence of MRSA on both of her knee caps that's preventing two areas from closing. The pressure that comes naturally with wearing BK prosthetics would rub on these wounds, further preventing them from closing. Its unwise to go forward on the walking until these close. So we'll wait a few weeks and then get back to the walking. Also, here's a darling picture
right here of Jamie getting situated in her walker. You didn't think she'd literally hit the ground running, did you? She has to walk, before she can run, and
she's going to have to spend some time in a walker before she can walk. Now that I'm officially done with the cliches... Jamie was only able to stand for a minute or two, but from what I hear, it was a tear jerking experience for everyone present. She's apparently a bit taller than she was before the amputations. I've heard anything from 5'5" to 5'8". Considering she was 5'2" for most of her life, this is pretty neat. Finally, here's a picture of Jamie on two legs (with help from two prosthetics) for the first time since November. Such a wonderful moment for everyone that was there. I wish I was there too...
SMCA Jeans Day - You know what, I'm not sure I mentioned this, but St. Michael's - where Jamie went to school from her sophomore year to her senior year - had an event to raise money for Jamie. Jeans for Jamie was a huge success and raised over $2500 and for being comprised of only high school students, that's pretty amazing. Hey look! They brought her some flowers too. Thanks to JC Shakespeare, Coach Holly Talle, Jayne Palmer, Kaitlin Maloney (pictured) and everyone else at St. Michaels (not pictured) who made this event such a resounding success. We hope to bring Jamie by the school as soon as possible... oh wait, you're out of school... maybe next Fall.
Finally, the all too important legislative update - I'd like to thank one of our biggest supporters for providing me the text I'm copy/pasting below, which is clearer and more direct than I can ever plan to be. She knows who she is, and if she's ok with me naming her, I'm game, but... thanks! Here's where we are in this process and what you can do to help us get The Jamie Schanbaum Act over the finish line:
Okay, here is the latest on SB819 (Jamie Schanbaum Act)
SB819 passed TX House’s Higher Education Committee (it did not have a hearing). Now it has to go to the House’s Calendar Committee to get placed on the calendar for a vote by the full House (see Stage 5 of www.capitol.state.tx.us/
BillLookup/BillStages.aspx? LegSess=81R&Bill=SB819 If it gets onto Calendar, and if it passes, it goes to the Governor’s desk!
What can you do as a citizen (and a voter!) of Texas:
We need the members of the Calendar Committee to hear from you and others that we want SB819 placed on the calendar so it can get voted on in the House! You would be surprised how effective a phone call from a voter is!
Of particular importance is anyone who knows Rep Brian McCall of Plano. As Chair of Calendar Committee, he carries a lot of weight on getting bills on. But other members are very important too: http://www.house.state.tx.us/
committees/list81/050.htm Although my state Rep Jessica Farrar is not on the Calendar Committee, I have contacted her each step of the way because like everything else, politics is “who you know” and I want her to know that I vote and I pay attention!
We are close to the finish line on this very important life-saving bill. Many of you know persons and families affected by this vaccine-preventable disease. Let’s finish this race to save lives of our young people. Pick up the phone and call. Just tell their staffer who you are, where you live and that you want SB819 (the meningitis bill) to get placed on the calendar. It’s quick and very effective!
Thank you all so much for your support (for us and with our legislative efforts). We're only a few days from the finish line, and so, if you've helped in the past or you haven't been able to contact your senator/representative, there's just one more phone call/email to make. So, let's get this thing passed! Thank you and check back often for updates.