6/18 - Hair!

Once again, sorry that it’s been so long since the last time I posted on the blog. Every time I feel like there’s a break in the action, a new project arises that requires most of my attention for the day. For example, this week, mom flew to Dallas to help me move… because nothing says “Moving Assistance” like a 53 year old mother of four. (Just kidding, she was a lot of help!) Just like any other move, there are still boxes sitting around the house, but it will get done today, I hope. I just leaned over to mom and said, “We need to get this done, today!” (FYI - I’m sitting with mom at the TISWG meeting in Austin. That stands for Texas Immunization Stakeholder Working Group… we’re following up on The Jamie Schanbaum Act to see what we can do to help advance this issue in the state) So, starting today, I’m going to be writing up a storm. I know I’ve said this before, but this time I mean it!

As you probably aren’t aware, I’ve been away in Dallas for a week, and when I got home (did I just refer to Austin as home?) on Tuesday, I was shocked by how much progress Jamie had made. This is what I’m going to post on today: my impressions of Jamie following my week-long absence.

First, Jamie’s hair looks wonderful. As a family, the Schanbaum’s have very, very thick hair. Unfortunately, Jamie’s hair had fallen out, more or less, due to the shock her body experienced from the disease and the medications Jamie was on. Over the past few months, it’s been clear that Jamie’s hair was starting to grow again. Last week, she got a haircut, which basically meant that we trimmed her hair down to a uniform length. Now, its growing in well, and she looks adorable. Her hair actually looks sort of like Rizzo's, from the movie Grease. Don’t you agree? I’m so happy about this development. I mean, we’d always told Jamie that her hair would grow back, but you really can’t predict these things. As you can see, she is beautiful!

That’s about all I have to add in this update. I’ll be busting out more updates soon. So, keep coming back for more.