Hump Day

Hump Day – It seems to be a relatively calm past few days but what is relative and what is clam in Jamie’s world. Hey it’s so clam that I can post only 2 days after my last post.

Tuesday’s procedure was a visit to the OR with Dr. Smith. I call it a procedure because, although we went to OR, it didn’t consist of surgery even minus the intubations, just sedation. First let me say it was earrrrrly, which was very okay with me. Brandon (Jamie’s driver to OR) came knockin at 6:20 am. I like going early so that we can get it over with and Jamie doesn’t have to miss meals – god knows she can’t afford to miss meals. Jamie went thru the OR doors at 7:30 but not before our ritual goodbye kiss and a stern message from me to the nurses to watch out for my baby. What’s funny is the nurses know to wait for our goodbye kiss. An hour later Dr. Foot Doctor came to waiting room to let me know that she went to take a peek and that everything looks great and on the right track. Dr. Smith came out an hour after that with a smile on his face and I have to say he always has a smile on his face and knows how to always puts Jamie at ease. Prognosis was – most of the staples were removed, most of the grafts took, and only a couple of grafts had to be redone. So it seems everything went as planned and what was to be expected. Awesome!

Jamie came out of procedure with a lot of discomfort, which was also to be expected, but she seems to be creating a high tolerance for pain. She is still on pca morphine pump -1mg morphine every hour with 1mg every 10 minutes if she asked and she hardly ask. Also she still has fentanly patch for only 25mcg (before she had 75mcg) vicodin every 6 hours but she hardly asked for that. Finally dilaudid every 6 hours which she likes and seems to work the best.

Jamie’s central line is still in place – cautiously – to continue with her antibiotics. Which brings me to another good report – as of right now the results on Jamie’s blood culture are showing negative to any infections but still pending. So if on Friday – which is the end of the 5 day test – it continues to be negative she will be off all antibiotics and the central line may be pulled again.

I’m ready to finish this entry and try to go to sleep. Hopefully it will be a restful sleep because last night it was anything but restless and for the first time it wasn’t Jamie. It was those damn machines – the IV pump, the tube feeding pump and the morphine pump – and boy did they keep me up. It was a constant orchestra of beeping, and calling nurses and nurses in the room.

Whatever – Tomorrow Will be Another Day - so says Scarlett O’Hara

One last note – A lot of people have been asking and offering to do anything they can do for Jamie and our family. Believe me a lot of people have given and done so much that we don’t even know where to begin to thank you. As we enter into another phase of Jamie’s recovery and hopefully our last - things become a little different. Jamie’s rehabilitation and prosthesis will become a financial issue and this is where we will need help. So for those who would like to do more we have set up a donation site via paypal on the blogsite. Again and as always we appreciate everything everyone does for Jamie and her family and My God Bless You
And we will keep you in our Prayers as you have always kept Jamie in yours.