Jamie's Continuation Surgery - Just a little late

I know, I know I promised to write a continuation on Thursday night after surgery and so I’m a little late but I’m busy, busy. So let me catch you up because it’s been quite busy, busy.

Surgery went well – Before grafting was done a central line was being put back into Jamie. Dr Lin was there to perform that procedure – Thank god for Dr. Lin. Because Jamie has had 4 central lines in the past it was recommended not to put another one in either one of these spots. It was suggested to have the line go into her neck. Imagine that – her legs will be totally wrapped, her left arm is attached to her right side and now they’re telling her that the line into her neck will keep her from moving her neck. Again thank you Dr. Lin – he was able to go into one of her previous locations. BTW line has to be back in because Jamie’s blood culture came back positive for pseudomonas. This is an infection that can only be treated with antibiotics given intravenously. So next up to the table was Dr. Smith, Jamie’s plastic surgeon at St. Joe, an incredible doctor. This surgery should take 2 ½ hours. This went well also. As is turns out the grafts were taken from Jamie’s thighs. Apparently Jamie negotiated with the doctor before surgery (while I wasn’t there) to not take from her tummy. Some things just need to be kept sacred. From how the doc described them to me they are approximately 3”x5” and 5 grafts were taken – 2 from one leg and 3 from the other leg. The legs grafts had to be stapled on because there was nothing to stitch on to, remember her legs are still covered with raw tissue. When I asked how many stapled were used I got a look from Dr. Smith’s like there were too many to count. Also, a couple of grafts were used on her bottom.

Well, after recovery, which included a chest x-ray to make sure line was properly in place Jamie didn’t get back into her room till almost 10:30 pm. The routine for transferring from OR back to room, which by the way I’ve become a pro at, has to come with a whole set of “new” orders. All the new orders are from her meds to PT/OT to her routine. It all must be gone over with a fine tooth comb – we can’t forget anything. Who can help more with Jamie then ME. I know it all – well at least when it comes to Jamie. Don’t get me wrong, I agree and like the routine. I like that they cross their “t’s” and dot their “i’s” SOOOOOO because of this routine it took as awhile to settle in after surgery’s. There were no cans in her room for her tube feeding and the kitchen where the cans are kept was closed. So, god bless him, Jake found someone to open the kitchen to retrieve cans. Then it took awhile to fill the antibiotics to go into her new line. It’s just overall exhausting.

Friday was spent recovering from surgery. Keep in mind Jamie has had 3 surgeries in as little as one week and one of those ended up in ICU. Again – exhausting. Aunt Betty came in to be a big helping hand – we love you. Saturday we had mommy visits from Julie Cantu and Ella Palmer who came for the day from Austin. And our Houston girlfriends Cathy and Judy came to hang out. Even more exciting we made some new friends – Karen, an art teacher from SugarlandISD, and her students. You cannot believe the beautiful blanket the students made for Jamie – OMG. Don’t worry I took a picture of Karen and Jamie with blanket and as soon as I become savvy I will post it on the blog. A huge Thank You to the students and we promise as soon as Jamie is able we will go visit you and thank you in person.

The weekend prescription for Jamie included keeping her still - The doctors didn’t want to disturb the grafts on her bottom as well as her legs. One of the antibiotics Jamie is given is Tigecycline and unfortunately it makes Jamie very, very nauseated – fortunately it will be temporary – I hope. She can’t keep anything down – I mean nothing. At least she has the tube feed to keep her nourished. Another blood culture was taken early yesterday so we’re waiting for the results to see if we can DC the antibiotic. I forgot to mention this but Jamie foley catheter for put back in – thank god – I can’t imagine how the bandages would have kept dry and BTW that will be temporary, too.

Tomorrow Jamie goes back to OR. Dr. Smith will sedate her to remove the bandages and staples. It will be only sedation so no tube will be put down her throat. The procedure will be done in the morning so I promise to let you know how that goes. KC will be here with me – maybe I will get her to post.

Say a prayer that all goes well – that all grafts took and no more will need to be done. Pray that this will be the last surgery on her legs. Thanks again for all those prayers.